Public Image Displays and Mosaics
Convert captured and hashtag images into a branded public display

In addition to delivering the consumer’s image privately, the Picture Marketing Platform can also create a public display out of captured and social images. This can take a variety of forms and include moderation and/or require consumers to actively opt-in.
Some of the options we offer:
- Photo Mosaics
- Social Walls
- Photo & Video Contests
- Sweepstakes
- Facebook Albums
- Dropbox
- Custom Integrations with your CMS

Live Updated Mosaics With Searchability
Mosaics can be simple or more complex. In the mosaic shown above, new images would appear on the edge of the display and then fly into position.
The mosaic could also be seen on the web, and consumers could zoom into their own photo by typing in the email they entered on the photo booth

Web-Based Mosaics
This spring break mosaic was emailed to everyone who had their photo taken.
Consumers could mouse over the mosaic and see each photo pop up, or enter their own email address to see their photo next to the mosaic.

Photo Walls, Facebook Albums, and Contests
Mosaics are just one way to create a public display. The image above combines photos shot onsite with social posts to create a “photo wall”. This is available in a variety of styles.
Other options include photo and video contests, Facebook albums, and custom applications.

Combine Onsite Photos and Social Feeds to Create Your Display

Twitter Wall
Include tweets with specific hashtags, accounts, locations or lists.

Instagram Wall
Include Instagram images with specific hashtags, accounts or locations.

Onsite Photos
Display photos and videos captured in your footprint by your staff or with photo booths

Facebook Feed
Include posts from profiles, brand pages, groups and public posts with a hashtag.

Google+ Posts
Show Google+ posts from designated hashtags and profiles

Tumblr Display
Include hashtagged posts as well as posts from specific blogs

YouTube Videos
Display YouTube videos from specific accounts or a playlist as part of the wall

Vine Feed
Allow consumers to upload Vine videos to the hashtag or pull in from a specific account